She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25

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She Rises is a women's only Facebook group where you can find encouragement for every season of life. We hope you'll join!
The Book of Mark
Abide Women's Study | Esther: The Queen of Humility
Nov 4, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study | Is Your House in Order?
Oct 7, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study | One pilot, his crew and our Purposeful Creator
Aug 5, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study | The Love of Many Will Grow Cold
Jul 1, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study | Fireproof
Jun 17, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study | Four Fierce Wolves and a Brazen Sheep Dog
Jun 3, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study | Six fuzzy chicks and a protective Papa - We are family
May 6, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study | Four ducks, a jar of oil, and our all sufficient God
Apr 15, 2023 • Renee Bollas
Abide Women's Study: Ephesians
Abide Women's Study: Titus
2 Timothy
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Books by Renee Bollas

I Will Rise
This book began as a journal. When Renee's youngest son was diagnosed with Autism, God spoke precious messages to her heart through that dark night. She feels compelled to share them with others who are going through their own adversity. Come along as she takes you from tragedy to triumph. You too can know for sure, God makes everything beautiful in His time. Adversity is not something to be despised. It is to be embraced. Be empowered to overcome any trial, big or small. Find out how God uses our brokenness in unexpected ways.

Black & White Truths
Unpredictable days abound. With Alzheimer’s, you never know what a day will bring. One moment skies are cheerful and sunny, the next dark and ominous. Uncertainty is the norm. Confusion and fear fill most days. There is one thing that remains steadfast: the love of Jesus. We can trust the One who died for us. Jesus holds us in the palm of His hands. Those hands will still the storm within. While we don’t know what our future holds, we know Who holds our future. Jesus, the Son of God, is in control of every wind and wave. Nothing is out of His sovereign power. He will sustain us through our darkest nights.

She Rises
The pages of this book will flutter into your life like leaves from the tree of life. It will empower you to overcome. Renee will teach you how to have a vibrant life even in the midst of life’s greatest hardships. You will be inspired to live a joyful life despite your pain. Jesus Christ gives us the power to rise up and sing even in the darkest night. You will overcome.
Proverbs 31:15 She rises while it is yet night…
Proverbs 31:15 She rises while it is yet night…

Wife: Unafraid
We are at war. If you’re a Christian woman, your marriage is under attack. It is highly important that you fight the right enemy. Your husband is not the enemy. You’re on the same side. A house divided cannot stand. If a wife and her man unite, they’re a force to be reckoned with. We walk by faith and not by sight. Sometimes things look pretty impossible in our marriage. Never give up. Fears surround us. Mocking and taunting. Hear the voice of truth: God is for you. He is with you. This battle is His. He will get the victory. He hasn’t lost one yet.